Team Tuesday: Meet our Case Manager - Nicky Hattingh

Where did you begin your career?

I began my career in South Africa working as a Data Administrator in the support department for a company called Synchrospec.

What is the best career advice you’ve ever been given?

There are two powerful pieces of advice I have received from both my parents.

The first being, life is about people and we must learn to understand them and all work together in order to achieve a common goal.

The second piece of advice is to have a very strong work ethic and values to bring the best of you to an organisation in order to grow.

What tips would you give to someone starting in your profession?

Be detail oriented and embrace working with your team as the level of support achieved is incredible.

To love what you do is a big help.

What is your greatest professional achievement to date?

Having the opportunity to advance my career in Ireland with Onate. Previously working for 7 years in a bridging finance company in South Africa has given me the opportunity to grow my career abroad.

I have always enjoyed property lending and working in a team environment of which I am very proud to be a part of.

Tell us something people may not know about you

I received Cum Laude for my sporting achievements in high school.

I was recognised for my South African colours in softball, Provincial colours in indoor and outdoor cricket and school achievement in hockey.

Onate’s Guide to Commercial to Residential Conversion


Case Study: €900,000 Property Purchase & Equity Release in Dublin