Team Tuesday: Meet our Lending Director, John Ring

Where did you begin your career?

I began my career in the Irish Nationwide building society as a mortgage administrator dealing with mortgage applications from both the regional branches of the building society and mortgage brokers.

This was in late 1997 and I remember the starting salary was IR£7,500.

What is the best career advice you’ve ever been given?

I don’t think there is any one piece of advice that has stuck with me, other than the example good mentors have shown me throughout my career.

I’ve had great mentors who have helped me to understand that treating people with respect and honesty always wins, whether they are customers, stakeholders or partners.

Having seen the rise of the Celtic Tiger and the subsequent bust along with the financial crisis, I have had the benefit of seeing how people reacted on the way up and also on the way down!

What tips would you give to someone starting in your profession?

Build your network and don’t over promise.

Our business is relationship based and managing expectations is a big part of what I do so it is always great to exceed expectations with clients.

The contrary can be damaging to both you and your brand.

What is your greatest professional achievement to date?

My greatest professional achievement to date has been able to maintain relationships with various business contacts, some of which are over 20 years old.

It is great to work in an environment here at Onate, where your decision making and experience is valued.

Working with Dan Gandesha has been super. As with all great leaders, he positions you to ensure that you are content and supported in order to grow both personally and professionally in tandem with the business.

Tell us something people may not know about you

I haven’t joined the dry robe brigade yet, but have taken up sea swimming since Covid struck. I’ve found this a great way to switch off mentally and a super way to reset after a busy day.

The National Retrofitting Scheme - What does it mean for our borrowers?


Case Study: Bridging Finance of €915k provided in MidWest